EPS Nomination East Dulwich.
Nominate our Pharmacy online to receive your prescriptions electronically from your GP.
Please register first below and then Nominate us for EPS, once registered.
Simplify the way you get your medicines and appliances
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an NHS service that allows your doctor surgery to send your prescription(s) directly to your nominated pharmacy electronically. This means that you no longer need to visit your doctor surgery to pick up your prescription(s) and drop it off at the pharmacy.
How does EPS nomination work?
The first thing you need to do is to choose where your GP should send your prescription to electronically. It can be:
Sogim Pharmacy in East Dulwich
If you are using a dispensing appliance contractor for appliances.
If you are eligible, it could also be your dispensing GP practice.
If you don’t have a computer or any other device like a smartphone with internet access to do the nomination on or don’t want to do it yourself, you can get a pharmacy, your GP practice or any other dispensing appliance contractor to help you with your nomination.
What happens after the Nomination is complete?
Now your GP can send your prescription electronically to your nominated place. This means you don't have to make any trips to your GP surgery just to pick up your paper prescription.
What are the Benefits of using EPS Nomination Service?
Will I be able to switch back to paper prescription if I choose to or to any other pharmacy?
Yes, you can do so by simply letting your GP surgery know. In order to switch to another place or stop your EPS nomination, you can ask any place that offers EPS like a pharmacy, your GP practice or dispensing appliance contractor for appliances. You need to do this before your next prescription due date, to make sure your presciption doesn't go to the wrong place.